Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's News from trif.com!!

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June 2011

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In This Issue
What is a WBit?
Technology Resources
Technology solutions are a part of doing business just like sales and marketing,  It is an integral component in servicing customers, managing costs and controlling operations. trif.com  has an uncanny ability to find affordable technology solutions for a wide variety of situations. Our capabilities bridge database design and development,  Internet web-based programs, hosting and co-location services, network and computer sales and support, document imaging, bar code scanning, corporate communications, fax and email programs, mobile applications, cloud computing and help desk services.   Interested in taking a step forward with  technology?   Looking to take advantage of the latest advances?  Just want to take advantage of your new computer?   
Small or large, simple or complex, give us a call to discuss where you want to go.  The first consultation is always without charge. Call us at 877-253-2379 or email
rmj@trif.com to discuss your opportunities.
Tech Spotlight
Like to listen to Books?
I wrote about this last month.  If you missed it, click here.
It is a very powerful tool and worth your review. Click below to set up a free account.
Audible is an Amazon company that provides  books which can be downloaded to your MP3 player, computer, iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iPad, Blackberry or Kindle.  Yes Kindle.  And not just books.  Podcasts, newspapers (like the Wall Street Journal), magazines, radio, TV and original content.  Type in a keyword and then sort the results by best sellers, customer rating, release date, length, price, author or title.
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Greetings robertmckayjones.,

First time readers, welcome!  Returning readers, welcome back! 
Time for learning!!  What better way to enjoy a little learning than to share a glass of wine  -  even if it is a glass of virtual wine offered at our July Webinar.  Cheers!
We do not want to waste your time. Articles will contain generally less than 250 words.  Please have a look and give us your feedback.
By all means, forward to a friend using the link at the bottom of the Newsletter.  Thanks.  Questions?  Email me at

Upcoming Webinar


The webinar will be approximately a one hour online Webinarpresentation on using software as glue between you and your customer.  We have a number of examples of how our clients have taken advantage of customized software to create an almost permanent connection between them and their customer and we want to share some of those ideas with you. 


Our goal is for you to begin to think about the way you deal with your most important customers and how a new way of servicing or a new way of communicating might make that relationship stronger.  How information provided in a special way might enhance your value in their eyes. 


So the objective is creating a connection with your customer so strong that it lives on beyond a person. Software that can help make the unique connection in service, communication or information between you and your customer. 


If you are interested in attending, reserve your space now because space is limited.  Click here to Register.


Whiteboard Mobile


WhiteboardMobile (whiteboard.mobi) is a new service from TRI that provides individuals, organizations, companies and other groups a very easy way to communicate important Whiteboardsnippets or headlines between those with whom you collaborate. If you want to alert the twenty people in your private group of an important new offering, put it on your whiteboard.  If you want your company to know of a temporary service breakdown so that they are better able to handle customer service, post it to your whiteboard.  Want to drive a point home?  Headline it on your whiteboard.  Need to remember an important upcoming event?  Display it on your whiteboard. 


There are a thousand reasons to keep people informed and email isn't always the best way to handle it.  You could use Facebook, but then all would see.  You could use Twitter, but again all would see.  You could create your own intranet and in-house web site, but that takes time, money, know-how and maintenance.  We have come up with an easy way to handle these small but important headlines within your organization. 


WhiteboardMobile provides a very easy way to post headlines to your whiteboard and an even easier way to view them.  It is available on your desktop, on your iPad, on your iPhone and even on your smartphone.  It is available anywhere in the world!  If you are interested in learning more, check out our blog.  Enhancements are already being implemented.

What is a WBit? 


Picture if you will Barbara Walters at the edge of a pond calling a little frog.  Yes, it would sound like wibit, wibit.  But WBitwhat is a wibit (actually spelled WBit)? 


 A WBit is really an an acronym for White Board Information Ticket.  It is the snippet of news that you take the time to post on a whiteboard for all to see.  It is the intrinsic value behind the WhiteboardMobile service. 


Regardless of your unique use of whiteboardmobile, it is the WBit that is important and the ease with which that WBit is posted by the author and viewed by the reader. The WBit is really what you want people to see.  The New York Times places their most important headline in the right hand side top of column.  CNN puts it in their crawl at the bottom of the screen. 


You place your WBit on your whiteboard for your clan to see.  The WBit is the building block of WhiteboardMobile. Praise the WBit! Share the wBit!  Read the WBit!


If any of the information here is of interest to you, please drop us a note.  If you would like to see specific information on technology issues that affect you and your business, please let us know.

Robert McKay Jones
Transportation Resources, Inc.  
50 Leominster Road, Suite #3 
Sterling, Massachusetts 01564

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Transportation Resources, Inc. | 50 Leominster Road | Suite #13 | Post Office Box 452 | Sterling | MA | 01564

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