Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Makes Customer Service Work

For the past couple of years we have been defining and redefining our vision and mission for our Company. It isn't an easy thing.  In all our thought and brainstorming, we have found a few basic principles  that explain why we have been around for more than 27 years.  It all comes down to a few basic attributes which you can find in our people and by association in our Company.  These attributes should apply to all service organizations. Look for them.

The first is honesty.  Without honesty there can be no trust and without trust, you cannot keep a customer. A good sales person can sell anything once. Trust will keep that customer coming back. Next is loyalty. Loyalty to a customer is no different than the loyalty you have to your own company. Loyalty signifies your dedication and sense of involvement. It makes you one of the team. Third is listening. Listening can't be accomplished  while talking, selling, pitching or arguing.  Listening is the first step in problem solving.  

Lastly, it's PERSONAL.  Those who say, "it's just business" really don't get it.  It is never just business.  It is about relationships, friendship, pride and the ability to communicate. If you see these attributes in your vendor, hang on tight.

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