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The remnants of the Big Dig offer this respite, The Rose Kennedy Greenway, between Boston Harbor and Faneuil Hall Marketplace. Facing towards the North End, this view had been covered by the darkened trestles of the Expressway. The Dig cost about 15 billion dollars. Nice!! | In This Issue |
September 2011 | The Magic of Walt Disney Social Networking The trif.com Web Site 9-11 Remembered |
Welcome to News from trif.com! First time readers, I am glad you're here! Returning readers, welcome back! | TRIF.COM Technology solutions are a part of doing business just like sales and marketing, It is an important component in servicing customers, managing costs and controlling operations. TRI has an uncanny ability to find affordable technology solutions for a wide variety of situations. Our capabilities bridge database design and development, Internet web-based programs, hosting and co-location services, network and computer sales and support, document imaging, bar code scanning, corporate communications, fax and email programs, mobile applications, cloud computing and help desk services. Interested in taking a step forward with technology? Looking to take advantage of the latest advances? Or just want to take advantage of your new computer? |
The Magic of Walt Disney One of the secrets to the magic behind all of Walt Disney's creations is it suspends reality for us all, young and old. Whether it is Having visited Disney dozens of times in the last 25 years, the magic still envelopes my senses with each step. Sit with Goofy in front of Tony's Restaurant, take a ride on the Train to Adventure Land, have a haircut in the Barber Shop, it really doesn't make much difference. If you believe in magic, then it doesn't matter how old you are, Disney will put a smile on your face. October 1st, Disney World is celebrating 40 years. So it is appropriate that the entire Walt Disney Resort will be joining in with Project XL 4 days of special events including the best parade in the Magic Kingdom of all time during Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. If you are interested in sharing the celebration magic with those you love, click here. | |
Social Networking I bet you didn't know that TRI has had a Blog for more than 2 years. That's right, we have articles going back to 2009! We have We also use other social networking sites to help us get the word out. If you would like to follow us on Facebook, try this link: Facebook or look me up at this link. I can also be found on Twitter at this address: Twitter. And there is Linkedin. See our profile here. Or, you can click on the icons at the right, they will take you there as well. | |
The TRI Web Site: www.trif.com TRI has had the domain www.trif.com since 1997. It was one of the last 4-character domain names available, Many people But really, when TRI started in 1982, our primary business was publishing freight rate tariffs for trucking companies in New England and, in fact, the country. We also published guiding tariffs for rules and mileage with the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission). A SCAC (standard carrier alpha code) code is required to publish tariffs and our SCAC is TRIF. So you might still find on file with the DOT (the Department of Transportation took over the duties of the ICC which was dismantled in the 1990's) our Mileage tariff ICC TRIF 105 and our classification and rules tariff ICC TRIF 100. We have spent a great deal of time working on the content for our web site and soon we will be giving it a completely new face. Stay tuned. When you have a moment, take a look at our fresh new content at trif.com.
| If any of the information here is of interest to you, please drop us a note. If you would like to see specific information on technology issues that affect you and your business, please let us know. Robert McKay Jones Transportation Resources, Inc. 50 Leominster Road, Suite #3 Sterling, Massachusetts 01564 877-253-2379 |
9-11 Remembered It has been 10 years since 9-11 when the twin towers were destroyed by terrorists. I visited shortly after and took these photo's. I thought you might be interested in what it looks like now. The pictures above were taken a few months after 9-11-2001 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This picture was taken June 2011 | We Will Always. |
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The information contained in this document represents the views of Robert McKay Jones and Transportation Resources, Inc.
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